Saturday, January 3, 2015


The sun is out today.  Even in the height of winter, the Texas sun brings an almost unwanted warmth.  The last few evidences of a two-day rain are quickly vanishing. Only the shaded puddles and soft earth gives testament to the water which had overtaken the landscape a mere twenty-four hours prior.

It's amazing what the sun can do.  Street teams armed to the teeth with heaters and fans would have trouble doing in eight hours what the sun can in two.  Street teams with their toil and work and busied movement whilst the sun simply shines.

It's the beginning of the year and for some this means schedules, lists, and tasks while others merely take on the attitude of "why bother?". Each reasoning within themselves a logical response to the start of a new year.  For with this new year we find that we strain with added gusto and each minor accomplishment has a way of providing a major boost to morale.  We continually sail higher and higher until we merely glide on the winds of previous victory. A slow glide that eases us back into mediocrity so smoothly that we almost don't realize it.

Those who sit in the "why bother?" encampment are those who have tasted sweet victory before, but after a time they found their plateau of comfort. Rather than spend all that effort climbing upwards only to head back down, they've decided to cut the unnecessary and stay where they are.

I find that I dislike the static of my level of comfort and daringly run towards the precipice of my idealistic and perfect self.  Just as Wile E. Coyote could saunter out a few feet on thin air before gravity took sudden hold, I leap and soar for seconds before my untrained wings fail me and a crash takes me low, sometimes lower than before.

It may take awhile, but I hope you find out soon.  Without Him we can do nothing.


It's not that you can't achieve certain accomplishments, but if your achievements don't require His aid then...


Promise yourself that you'll love your friends and family deeper and better, but without accepting His love first we don't have the wherewithal.


You can learn 5 new languages, make twice what you're making, and finally lose that last 15 lbs for good, but did you get to what He wanted to accomplish through you this year?


Pray. Seek after Him. Put His goals at the top of the list.

Now you've done something.

I prayed this morning and it was dumb, but the Lord knows this and gives me credit for trying.

I said, "I can't do what you want me to do.  I literally cannot accomplish this.  I haven't the mental fortitude.  If you want me to do this, I will be leaning on you every step of the way."

I think that might be what he had planned all along.

So just as the the earth merely stands in the light of the sun and is changed, we need to realize that if we  merely step into his glory his presence will change us.

Set impossible goals this year.  His impossible goals.

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD..." Jeremiah 29:11

"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations." Jeremiah 1:5

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Phillippians 4:13

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